KW Agent Spotlight: J&C Toronto Real Estate Group

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We sat down with Jon and Cheryl from J&C Toronto Real Estate Group to ask them some personal and not-so-personal questions about working together. Here’s what they had to say.

Jon Paulson

1. Before you started your real estate business, your jobs took you around the world. What has traveling taught you about the word ‘home’? 

I used to think that home was where you hung your hat when I was travelling. I always toyed with the idea of eventually making Australia or somewhere in Europe my home. As the years passed (22 of them travelling off and on) and I visited more and more of the World I started to realize that Toronto had absolutely everything one could ask for. It really is the best city in the world, and I couldn’t be happier helping people find their homes here.

2. What is your favourite thing about working together? 

I love that I have a partner in life and in business (and crime) that we can share the ups and down with. The lows aren’t as low and the highs become higher  with someone to celebrate and commiserate with. Also Cheryl does most of the work, which is awesome…

3. What is the career philosophy that inspires you on a day-to-day basis? 
Our motto is “come from contribution”. The most important thing that we try to do everyday is share. It could be information, tips, advice or our time to help out the community. We find that building relationships this way is what connects us to people, and it’s the people that are are our favourite part of the business. 

4. On your website, you mentioned that you share the same birthday. Who receives the first gift? 

Me (Jon). Cheryl is the best, super thoughtful and really selfless. I need to treat her more. 

5. What is the most memorable moment of your real estate career so far? 

While working on an exclusive condo listing, I saw a group of people in the  parkade and then elevator with an MLS listing. I asked if they are looking at condos to purchase. I told them about ours and asked if they wanted to see it when they were done seeing the other unit.  It turns out they were the unsuccessful offerers a few days before on an offer night for a listing we had in a different building. Long story short, they purchased this one from us exclusively, all because I bumped into them and started a conversation.

6. How has this year changed the way you do business, and what are you looking forward to next year? 

We haven’t really changed much in our approach since we started trading in Real Estate. If anything we have been continued to be laser focussed on making the most of opportunities because you never know what the future holds. This has meant some long days and hours with little time off. Next year we are looking forward to a little more time off as we hired an admin and have been growing our team.

7. What is your favourite neighbourhood in Toronto and why? 

Riverside/Leslieville! I have been volunteering our production skills to create content for local businesses in the Riverside and Leslieville BIA’s for the past few years. We have been able to meet and connect with business owners, many who have become friends and clients. Such a warm and friendly community with so many amazing people and places to discover.

8. What was the last book you read? 

Never Split Difference – by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz. FBI hostage negotiators share their techniques! It’s a really cool insight into using emotional intelligence and empathy into the negotiation process. 

9. How do you see the industry evolving in the next 5 years? 

I believe that as technological tools to access information becomes more prevalent, it will be even more important to connect personally with people looking to buy and sell Real Estate. I think Real Estate is about personal connection to properties and people. It’s about the relationships between both. The most successful brokerages and agents will continue to provide a full offering of services along with the insight, guidance and advice that people, not just data and algorithms can provide.

10. If you could give new agents advice on building a real estate brand – what would it be? 
Be authentic. You got where you are today by being you. Get to where you are going by doing the same and believing in yourself

Cheryl Mickolwin

1. Before you started your real estate business, your jobs took you around the world. What has traveling taught you about the word ‘home’? 

Even travelling around the world, home was always Toronto. If anything, seeing other cities and countries just made us love and appreciate our home more. As for being in one place, nothing beats the feeling of sleeping in your own bed, cooking your own meals. 

2. What is your favourite thing about working together? 

Two for the price of one.  We always have someone to talk to, bounce ideas off of, vent to, debrief with. Working on ships, we worked/lived/played/ate/slept together and it taught us a lot about where our strengths and weaknesses were. We’ve learned how to come together and form an unwavering alliance with a desire to always grow.

3. What is the career philosophy that inspires you on a day-to-day basis? 

Come from Contribution. Relationship Building. Abundance mindset. This is truly astounding when you see it in action… that positivity breeds positivity and helping other people can create good for everyone.

4. On your website, you mentioned that you share the same birthday. Who receives the first gift? 

Cheryl’s face.  (We now just call it first Christmas since our birthday is in November…)

5. What is the most memorable moment of your real estate career so far? 

I have no idea, there’s definitely not one. It’s been a whirlwind of non-stop action for the last 5 years. And I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast. I can’t think of any memorable moments… just a lot of memorable people who have come into our lives. (Colleagues, Clients, Mentors, Partners…)

6. How has this year changed the way you do business, and what are you looking forward to next year? 

I don’t think it has changed us that much. Maybe more it’s reminded us that we were headed in the right direction and that we’ll keep building on what we’ve started. We’ve always been about relationship building and that has been key during this last year. We’ve always been about virtual marketing and taking it to the next level, again, key. We’re looking forward to taking time off in January! We are definitely looking forward to that. (First time in 5 years!)

7. What is your favourite neighbourhood in Toronto and why? 

LOADED QUESTION. All of them. I can speak for days once someone asks this question or asks what I like about “X” neighbourhood.  It’s probably easier to answer least favourite neighbourhoods. Top 10 Favourites – Riverside, Old Town, Cabbagetown, Bloor West Village, The Junction, Roncey, Wychwood, Corso Italia, West Queen West, Leslieville, Summerhill. That’s 11, you get where I’m going with this.

8. What was the last book you read? 

I don’t have time to read or the patience. It’s the worst. I buy Jon books for both of us to read, he gets through them and I read 3 pages and never pick it up again. Probably don’t want to include my answer for this, I’m a terrible role model.

9. How do you see the industry evolving in the next 5 years? 

Tech. It’s changing all industries. And so quickly I don’t think you can predict what is going to happen and when. It’s like we’re surfing and you have to get on and ride the wave and be ready to adapt and thrive wherever it takes us.
I don’t think people will be leaving the equation in real estate… relationships and trust are everything.

10. If you could give new agents advice on building a real estate brand – what would it be? 

Don’t give up. It takes tenacity, courage, patience, diligence, determination to see building any brand to success. And real estate is no different. 

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