Mark your calendars for our next KW Masterclass this Summer – Managing Client Expectations in a Market Shift!

Hi Advantage, Energy and Experience Agents!
Featuring KW Energy’s Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Broker, Lindsay Smith.
Lindsay Smith started his career in Real Estate in 1986 and has been one of top agents in Durham Region since then. His early career was focused on geo farming and quickly moved to prospecting for expired listings during the first downturn.
Sharing the roles of Broker, Owner of a franchise, Mortgage Broker and an Agent, he brings with him the experience gained over 3 decades and 3 market downturns.
Join him for an hour of masterminding around today’s market shift. The session aims to discuss strategies developed to help Buyers and Sellers in a shifting market. Learn creative methods of pricing, marketing, financing options and client communication.
We will see you on July 19th, 1pm EST via Zoom.
**For more awesome training sessions, visit our official youtube page HERE